If you’re an ATV rider, you may have experienced being disoriented on a trail system because of inadequate marking or uncertainty about trail signs. This is not uncommon for those who are new to ATV trail riding. That’s why we at Trailz App have listed several common ATV signs to watch out for when you’re on a trail to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

What Are ATV Trails and Routes?
ATV trails are special paths just for ATVs. You can recognize them by small brown signs with a white ATV picture and orange blazer signs. Watch out, though, because snowmobile trails also use orange blazers. If you don’t see the brown-and-white ATV sign, it’s extremely important not to ride your ATV there.
These trails are different from ATV routes, which are usually on roads. Trails mostly stay away from roads, except when they cross at marked intersections. Some trails are for lots of different vehicles like horses, motorcycles, and bicycles. In Wisconsin, they use the same signs to show where you can ride ATVs. So, keep an eye out for those signs to stay on the right path.
ATV Access Route Signs
A route means a road or path that’s officially meant for ATV use, as decided by the government in charge. To have ATV routes, there needs to be a rule passed by a local government and shared with the Department of Natural Resources. Unless your local rules or signs say otherwise, UTVs are usually allowed on these ATV routes too.
Please Use 4 Wheel Drive Sign
You’ll find this sign when you’re getting close to steep hills, bridges, road crossings, or any spot where spinning tires might mess up the trail. This can cause soil and dirt to wash away, making it unsafe or causing a mess and requiring 4-wheel drive.
Object Marker Sign
The object marker sign is used to mark things like bridge supports, fence posts, or openings you need to drive between or avoid. The stripes on it should go down and point towards the trail opening. This sign shouldn’t be used in place of other signs like arrows, caution signs, or blaze signs.
Caution Sign
This sign is used on the ATV trail to tell riders to be careful because something on the trail is different or tricky. It’s usually put far enough ahead so they have time to react. There’s a space on the sign where details are written such as “narrow bridge,” “steep hill,” “blind turn,” “intersection,” “ditch,” or “gate.”
Download the Best App for ATV Trail Maps Today!
Signs aren’t the only thing that can help you stay safe on the trails. Trailz App is an ATV, UTV, and snowmobile trail map app that can help you navigate trails during your ride. Our app is available for download on Google Play or the App Store. Get started today!