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While we may not have all the answers here, we’ll do our best to cover most key points about Trailz App.
Go to your favorite app store to download the app for trail riding for free or just scan the QR card below and get started today.
No, download Trailz App for free and you'll have instant access to features like trail maps, nearby amenities, and be part of a group ride.
We've got detailed instructions on how to use Trailz App right here. You'll see our basic features, plus the extras you'll get when you get our Premium subscription plan.
While we'd hate for you to go, you can cancel your Premium subscription at any time with no penalty. Keep the basic plan for no charge. We'll welcome you back anytime you are ready.
You'll get all the basic features like trail maps in your area, trail details, etc., but importantly, you'll directions to the trail head to start your ride. In addition you'll be able to keep your trail riding history for future reference, the ability to add a custom marker to the trails you ride, and you'll be able to start your own club or group ride for other to share.
Riding trails come from a variety of sources including individual states, riding clubs, and some even from rider feedback. While it impossible to get 100% of the all the trails and paths out there, we believe we the vast majority of main trails covered.
I've been an avid ATV/UTV and snowmobile rider since I've been a youngster. I've ridden thousands of miles over several states, always looking for the best, or unique trails to ride. One of my biggest points of frustration has been not knowing where all the trails are and how to get to them. I decided to create this app to solve that issue for me, and the many other thousands of riders like me who just want to ride with the ease and knowledge to have the best possible ride.